It’s International Women’s Day! Let’s Celebrate One Another!

International Women's Day


Hello Beauties!  

Happy International Women’s Day!


International Women’s Day is a day that celebrates all women’s achievements & acknowledges our struggles throughout the world, in society and the work force.  


We’ve come a long way ladies, but we still have more work to do.  But for today  let’s celebrate  and unite because together we can accomplish great things!  Let’s remember to inspire one another and embrace the sisterhood of women everywhere. 


In honor of International Women’s Day, on this special day, if you have women in your life who inspire you, let them know how much you appreciate them.  And share your encouragement and support to those who may need it today and everyday!


As an Avon Representative, International Women’s Day is especially relevant as I represent one of the largest advocates for women worldwide!  Avon has changed so many women’s lives through their Empowerment outreaches, Breast Cancer Crusade programs,  Avon Pink Ribbon products and inspirational jewelry found throughout their iconic Avon Brochure!


 Though an inspirational piece of jewelry may not be life changing,  sometimes an uplifting reminder is all it takes to help refocus and get the day back on track.  


Here are a few my favorite Avon Inspirational pieces. 


International Women's Day Inspriational Jewelry:  Avon I Will Rise Bracelet

Avon’s Precious Charms “I Will Rise” Bracelet.

I love this bracelet I have one hanging over my desk to encourage me whenever I have a bad day  or hit a roadblock.  All I have to do is look up and I see my “I Will Rise” bracelet and it reminds me I will rise above it if  I just push through.



International Women's Day Inspriational Jewelry: Avon Beautiful BraceletAvon I Am Fabulous Bracelet  with “Hello Beautiful” Inscribed
. . . because sometimes we just have to be reminded.


Avon Celebrates International Women’s Day Everyday!


International Women's Day Empowerss Women All Over The World  And So Has Avon With One Lipstick At A Time

Avon’s Iconic Mini Lipsticks!


 Avon is an active partner in promoting International Women’s Day today and everyday, and has been a pioneer and example when it comes to empowering & helping women!  For over 130 years, the Avon Opportunity has allowed women to be their own boss and has helped improve woman’s lives one lipstick at a time!   For decades Avon has played a large role in improving the lives of women everywhere,  including mine.


As an Avon Representative, the Avon Opportunity has empowered me to be the boss of my own business and through my success, I’ve gained confidence and have achieved goals I’ve never thought possible!


Avon Celebrates International Women's Day Everyday!


Avon offers this opportunity to everyone so if you’re looking to supplement your income, meet new friends or have always dreamed of being your own boss, the opportunity of having your very own turn key business is available to you too! 

If you’re curious about the Avon Opportunity and what it has to offer, just click the link below and I’ll give you a glimpse of what it’s like to be an Avon Beauty Boss!


Click Here To Find Out  How Avon Can
Empower You When You Join Avon!




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