Avon Pink Ribbon Programs Supports Women’s Causes!

Avon Pink Ribbon Shop For The Greater Good Collection 2023


Did you know Breast Cancer is responsible for 502,000 deaths per year worldwide? Breast cancer can affect anyone, Mothers, daughters, girlfriends and yes even men!  Avon’s dedication to end Breast Cancer has been an ongoing effort for over 20 years and Avon continues to be the leading corporate supporter globally for the breast cancer cause.


The Avon Breast Cancer Crusade was launched in 1992 and has raised nearly $700 million through various Avon Crusade programs that raise funds and awareness for Breast Cancer.

Here are the most popular Avon Crusade programs:


Avon Pink Ribbon Pink Hope Collection 2023

Avon-Pink-Ribbon 2023

Avon Pink Ribbon products offered by Avon Independent Sales Representatives have contributed generously to the breast cancer cause.  Since 1992, Avon Pink ribbon sales have raised more than $283 million.  With each Avon Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer purchase, 100% of the net profits are donated to help fight breast cancer.

Avon Pink Ribbon sales have helped make  possible dramatic changes like these:

  • Improved five-year survival rates after diagnosis from an average of 70%  in 1992 to greater than 85% today; when caught early, five-year survival can exceed 95%
  • Less-invasive surgical procedures
  • Improved, targeted treatments for what we have learned are different types of breast cancer


Shop Avon Pink Ribbon  Products HereOrder Avon Pink Hope 2019 Collection here


And now here is your chance to make a difference, it’s October Breast Cancer Awareness Month and now is the perfect time to build awareness and support the cause. So make a purchase, for yourself, and a friend and show your support to fight breast cancer. You can order your Pink Ribbon & products through the Avon Pink Ribbon Shop here.




Avon / American Cancer Society Partnership

In 2018 Avon discontinued the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer and instead become the  National Presenting Sponsor of Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. With over 6,600 member consisting  of Avon Representatives, customers, and Team Members) we raised over $800,000 for the American Cancer Society’s breast health programs and services!

With the collaboration with American Breast Cancer the allows Avon to spread more awareness and raise more funds.  Making Strides for Breast Cancer walks are smaller 3 to 5 mile walks located throughout the United States. They are local events hosted my local organizations.  Anyone can join and there is no sign-up or registration.

For more information and to participate in the Making Strides For Breast Cancer Walks you can visit this page.


October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and National Mammography Day, is October 18, 2019 this day was proclaimed in 1993 to encourage all women to  make a mammography appointment on this day or throughout the month.   To help raise awareness make sure to to spread the word about breast health to all family and friends.


Download Your Free Avon Breast Health Resource Guide.


Avon PInk Ribbon Guide Download

This guide will provide you with information, support and resources to use and share.  You’ll find information about:
Early Breast Cancer Detection,  Different Types of Breast Cancer,  Possible Treatment Options,  and  Reducing the Risk of Recurrence.
Download in English (pdf)
Download in Spanish (pdf)



Shop Avon Pink Ribbon  Products Here

Order Avon Pink Hope Items here



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  1. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was still in high school. We are so fortunate that we still have her 7 years later!

  2. I love that this month is dedicated to rising awareness. My grandmother had breast cancer. One of my good friends in graduate school did too. I’m also a health psychologist so Ive had numerous patients with breast cancer. The strength these women show is amazing

  3. This is great! I actually have scheduled my first mammogram ever! I’m scared but you reminded me how important it is! Thank you!

  4. I strongly believe education is the key and being proactive. I speak to women everyday about the importance of getting thier mammograms. Also we have to remember men can get it too.

  5. Thank you for continuing to bring awareness about the fight against breast cancer. This affects everyone in one way or another and we all need to try and continue to fight for a cure.

  6. I love these products! I am an 8 year breast cancer Survivor. I wear a lot of pink to bring awareness and proud to do it…

  7. Together we CAN make a difference! I lost my mother to breast cancer. She battled it for over 7 years. I watched her agonize in the worst kind of pain possible. Brands like Avon and others that donate proceeds to Breast Cancer research are angels in my book. It’s time we find a cure so no other woman ever has to go through what my mother went through and no other families have to suffer the loss that my family suffered.

  8. Thank you for your help raising awareness about Breast Cancer and reminding everyone to check or “tattas” ! Oh ya, and all the related items are beautiful!

  9. Thank you for spreading the word about Breast Cancer products and awareness. My Grandmother had breast cancer and died when my mom was a young girl so this subject is very important to my family.

  10. Hi Diane!

    That’s wonderful news about Avon sending money towards Breast Cancer Survivors and those that are presently fighting it. I love Avon! And Diane . . . . . You Rock Girl! ♡

  11. My aunt is fighting the battle what a strong and amazing lady she is prayers for all that are fighting your battle.

  12. Wonderful that Avon is getting the word out as well as raising money.

    My sister had breast cancer almost 10 years ago. She has to be checked on a regular basis because she had stage 3 breast cancer. Yes, her cancer had progressed this far because this was her first mammogram and she was 48. My sister did not believe in being checked for cancer. So many feel this way but I can not stress early detection is the best key to survival! PLEASE GET YOUR YEARLY MAMMOGRAM AS WELL AS MONTHLY SELF-BREAST EXAMS!

  13. Hey, I just wanted to say thank you for the really great post! I think we will be seeing a good bit of positive steps forward this month for breast cancer awareness. Every year, there are more methods available to help provide new resources to women and men everywhere. As more people understand the importance of things like regular screenings for breast cancer, and the potential risk in men, I think we will see some very positive outcomes.

    1. Hi Steve,

      Yes I agree. I know there are many out there who aren’t aware that Breast Cancer can effect Men as well. I think there needs to be more awareness promoted for men to know what to look for and also that this isn’t just a women’s disease. When that happens I think more men who have been affected by this illness will feel more comfortable speaking out against the fight to help raise awareness.

      Thanks for visiting Steve, and taking the time to leave your comment. I appreciate it.


  14. i just got this in my mail today avonwalk for breast cancer i never had breast cancer but i had colon cancer colon cancer runs in my family not breast cancer just thought i let u know

    1. Hi Margaret,

      I’m glad to hear Avon is getting the message out. I’m not sure if your aware but anyone can participate and show support for the Avon Pink Ribbon walk. You don’t necessarily have had to, or know anyone with Breast Cancer. The Avon Walk welcomes all participants as well as those who have been effected from other types of cancer. Many people in the walk will pin the name of loved ones to their clothing in memory of or in support of the cancer fight. It’s a very profound, emotional and healing cause. I encourage you to look into the Avon Walk if it’s coming to your area. If your not up to walking, you can volunteer or just show your support by cheering the walkers on in the sidelines.

      Margaret, I’m also so sorry to hear about your cancer. My immediate family has also been affected by cancer and I am very familiar with the fear, anger & sadness, as well as triumph when it has been beat.

      Take Care and Wishing you good health,


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