Have you checked out the latest Avon Sales and Special Offers! Check them out here!
Avon has a special section on their website that lists all Special Offers for the current campaign. Avon sales and offers are updated every two weeks and are listed per category. You can find great bargains in most departments like Bath & Body, Makeup, Skin Care, Jewelry and many others.
Special Offers, not to be confused with Avon Sales, range from Buy One/Get One offers, Free Gift with Purchase, 2fer’s (2 for $$), along with any other great incentives Avon can conjure up. Besides the Avon Catalog, the Avon Special Offers page is one of the first places I check when I shop online.
Avon Sales are temporary price markdowns that can range from a few cents all the way up to 60% off! So if you don’t have time to view the entire Avon Catalog Online and just want to see what’s on sale in let’s say “Makeup” you can go to the Makeup Category page at the Avon website and click on “Makeup Specials” found on the left side of the page. Most product categories have a “Specials” link found at the left menu
To view current sales and offers at the Avon website
click on the following category links below.
Avon Skincare Special Offers & Sales You’ll find special offers & sales on Anew, Anew Clean, Clearskin, and Nutra Effects products.View Skincare Sales & Promotions here
Avon Makeup Special Offers and Sales You’ll find special offers & sales in Lipstick, Nail Polish, Eye Shadow, Mascara, Foundation, Powder and more.
You can view all the Makeup Sales & Promotions here.
Avon Bath & Body Special Offers and Sales Special offers and sales on Skin So Soft, Avon Footworks, Moisture Therapy,Avon Naturals, Deodorant & more.View all the Bath & Body Sales & Promotions here
Avon Fragrance Special Offers and Sales
View the current Fragrance Sales & Promotions here.
Avon Jewelry Special Offers and Sales
View Avon Jewelry Sales & Promotions here.
Avon Home Special Offers and Sales
Home Sales & Promotions
Avon Fashion Special Offers and Sales
Sales and special offers on Apparel, Handbags, Shoes, Curves, and Inner wear.Fashion Sales & Promotions
Avon Men Special Offers and Sales
Sales and offers on Men’s cologne, apperal, jewelry, gifts and gadgets.Men’s Sales & Promotions
The sales featured above will change periodically, usually with every new Avon Campaign.
You’ll also want to checkout the Avon Outlet department where
you’ll find even more clearance items up to 75% off!