Tiny Tillia / Avon Kids
Did you know Avon has a boutique store just for babies and children? In April 2011 Avon partnered up and launched the exclusive baby line called Tiny Tillia. But although new to Avon, the company has been around since 2006 and has been very popular in Hollywood.
You can spot celebrity mommies like Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez, Laila Ali among others all toting the baby products along with their little ones. But it’s no surprise that it’s a hit in Hollywood as Tiffany Lerman, the creator of the line, is Jackie Collins daughter.
The Tiny Tillia brand is based on eight playful characters who live in the land of Tiny Tillia. There is TT Cow, Jordy Bug, Duncan Dog, Dilly Pig, Rorsie Lion, Trace Frog, Chloe Mouse, & Austin Elephant. These playful pals can be found throughout the product line making bath time and playtime fun and interesting for babies.
The exclusive baby boutique offers fun natural baby products for the Avon Baby from Bath time, Playtime, Baby wear, Nursery Decor & more. You will find Tiny Tillia a fun playful place to shop for your baby and/or to give as a gift. The premium collection of Mom & Baby products can only be purchased from an Avon Representative online or through Storybook catalogs
UPDATE: Since the writing of this post Avon has merged Tiny Tillia products exclusively into regular Avon Catalog Campaigns. The Tiny Tillia website is no longer available. Most Tiny Tillia products can still be found in the Avon Children’s section and over in the Avon Outlet section.
“Welcome to the Land of Tiny Tillia!
Once upon a time in a land of Tiny Tillia
kisses grew on trees
giggles sprouted like wildflowers
and sweet scents filled the air.
You won’t find it on a map
but hug your baby and in a snap
the Tiny Tillia bunch will appear
with wonderful products and plenty of cheer”
Here are just a few Tiny Tillia items you’ll find over at the Avon website:
Looking for tiny Tillia diaper cream
Hi Jane,
Tiny Tilia is no longer available through Avon.
Sorry to disappoint but I appreciate your asking.
Where has Tiny Tillia gone? There is virtually nothing on the website anymore:(
Hi Eula,
Sorry for the very late response, my schedule has been a bit hectic the past few months and I haven’t had a chance to reply to any comments until now, so sorry. As far as the Tiny Tillia products, you are absolutely right, Avon has limited the merchandise significantly. You’ll still find a handful of select items in the Children’s Section over at the Avon website and surprisingly more in Avon Outlet.
Thanks for visiting 🙂
Its April 14th do you have the new tiny tilla storybook?
Hi Christine,
The new Tiny Tillia Storybook #4 will come out May 30th, 2012. In the meantime you can still browse the Tiny Tillia website for New Products and Special Offers.
FYI: Avon has integrated Tiny Tillia into the Avon brochure and website. Now you can shop for both Avon and Tiny Tillia at the same time! 🙂
Click here to view Tiny Tillia at Avon Website
I was just wondering when the baby tillia competion is ending and do I have time too enter my baby xxx
Hi Samantha, at this time (4/6/2012) Tiny Tillia does not have a baby contest going on. I’m not sure when another will be available but I’ll be sure to post it if and when one comes out.
Thanks for asking though 🙂
I love this product sooooo cute
I love this baby range 🙂 can’t wait until it’s all available in the uk 🙂
It will be great if Tiny Tillia goes global. I’m sure that would make a lot of Mommies and babies very happy 😉