ULINX Magnetic Charm Bracelet
Beauty2Makeup is GIVING-AWAY a ULINX Bracelet! Go to the bottom of this page for details!

Recently I was contacted by a company called ULINX and was asked if I would like to try out and review one of their new magnetic bracelets. I was flattered by the request and was more than happy to oblige.  Plus, when they offered a free bracelet to giveaway to one of my Beauty2Makeup readers I was definitely “in” but I’ll give you the details on that later on (hint: go to bottom of this page)… now back to the bracelet. When I accepted their offer they sent me to the “Design Your Own Bracelet” section of the ULINX Jewelry website to create my own bracelet. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect but when I took a look around the website and found out what ULINX was all about and how fun and beautiful the bracelets were I couldn’t wait to get started.

ULINX magnetic bracelets are made of interchangeable magnetic charms. There are over 30 different charms to choose from and from what I’ve read on the ULINX Facebook page they plan on adding more designs in the future.

Making the ULINX Bracelet

At the website I created an account and logged in so I could save my bracelet designs and began to make my own bracelet.  The first task in making the bracelet is to select a style.  There are 5 styles to choose from each with their own pattern of charms or what ULINX calls “CLIX”.   CLIX come in circles, squares and spheres in different colors and designs.


It was fun coming up with my own custom design, I wanted a bracelet that would represent me and the Beauty2Makeup website so of course it was pink! It took a while for me to create, not because it was hard but because there were so many design possibilities I just couldn’t decide which one I liked best. They were all nice and I wanted to get them all!  But finally I  made my decision and added it to my cart.

Beauty2Makeup ULINX Bracelet

Designing the bracelet was easy, the only problem that came up was I noticed there wasn’t a solid pink to match the pink CLIX in the LUX Collection. They have a plum color in their Classic Collection but I couldn’t tell if it would match. So along with the bracelet I also ordered an “add-on” CLIX in plum to see what the solid CLIX looked like. From the website picture I couldn’t tell if the solids have a shimmer to them or not. I also wanted to see if the plum was true to color.

UPDATE:  A week after I wrote this post ULINX came out with more LINX! They added pink, the color I was missing along with a whole new collection called The Mosaic Collection

The checking out process was quite easy and ULINX was very prompt in processing my order. I received the bracelet within a couple of days by US Mail. It came in a padded envelope and was packaged in a plastic doughnut shaped case.  I was eager to see what this magnetic charm bracelet looked like. I was already sold on the design but what I really wanted to know was how strong this bracelet was and how well those magnets really stuck. Because if it falls off your wrist with any little bump or movement who cares how cute it is.

ULINX package

How Strong is this Bracelet?

When I removed the bracelet from it’s case I was instantly pleased, I liked the way it felt, it was sturdy and had a nice heaviness to it.  The silver finish was smooth and shiny and yep those magnets were strong, super strong! This bracelet wasn’t going anywhere. But the real test was to see what would happen if it dropped.  Would the little balls scatter in all directions? I knew just the way to test it. Oblivious to my intentions, I called my husband and son to come check out my new magnetic bracelet. They thought it was pretty cool and just as expected (you know boys with magnets) they started playing with it taking it apart, putting it together again and then oops! It dropped. I cringed waiting for everything to scatter all over the living-room but to our surprise it stayed put! It didn’t even come apart! Then the other day, I accidentally dropped it on the hard floor while I was putting it on and again it stayed put.  It definitely passed the strength test.

Make Your Own Bracelet with ULINX

Playing With CLIX is Fun!

What I really like about the bracelet is there are so many ways to wear it.  You can wear a different bracelet everyday just by modifying the pattern of the CLIX.  The best way to interchange your ULINX CLIX  is to lay them on a table and let the magnet do the work.  As with all magnets they have polar opposites so some sides won’t connect but rather push each other away. But if you hold the CLIX a little distance away and let it go it will automatically find it’s “sticky” side and attach to the bracelet nicely.  You’ll also want to spread them out away from each other while your working on your design or else they’ll keep sticking to each other making it a bit bothersome. With a little practice you’ll master the CLIX and love to make your own bracelet different every time you wear it.

My new ULINX Ring!
The plum CLIX didn’t match my bracelet but I found other ways to use it! Check out my ULINX Ring!

So How About That Plum Add-on?

Well, it wasn’t exactly the plum color on the website. The website image looked more purplish, mine was a darker plum and it’s a flat shiny color rather than shimmery. But maybe in the future ULINX will add shimmers & jewel colors to the collection.  The company is still pretty new so I’m sure there will be more CLIX to come.

Speaking of the company, they have a wonderful “Giving Back” program called WE.LINX where a portion of the ULINX sales goes to fund programs that help underprivileged kids worldwide get a chance to have a little creative self-expression of their own.  WE.LINX donates art supplies and educational material to kids who otherwise would have no access to art.   So not only do you get to be creative and make your own bracelet but you can also help other kids get creative too.  That’s pretty cool.

Important Things You Should Know

Now before you go out and tell all your friends about this cool magnetic bracelet there are some important things you should be aware of.  This bracelet is by no means for small children. ULINX makes it completely clear that children under 14 SHOULD NOT use this bracelet.  The magnetic charms can be very harmful if swallowed. So use your good judgment on whether or not it will be safe at your home.  Also, caring for the bracelet is easy, just wipe with a soft cloth, keep it away from long exposure to water and sunlight and most importantly DO NOT wear your UNIX jewelry to the beach or anywhere where it will be exposed to  sand or dirt! Tiny sand particles can be magnetically drawn to the jewelry making it very difficult to clean. Trying to wipe off the magnetic particles may scratch the finish.

Overall I love this bracelet. It’s cool, trendy, a great conversation piece and a quality piece of jewelry.  If you would like to get in on the fun and make your own bracelet with ULINX CLIX  then head on over to the ULINX website.  Right now ULINX is having an ongoing promotion to help you get started. Depending on the design you choose, you can get the first 2, 3 or 4 CLIX FREE! Plus they have FREE Shipping through December 31, 2012.

Beauty 2 Makeup Giveway

Okay, so now to the fun part. As mentioned earlier one of you will have the chance to be the lucky winner of a ULINX Magnetic Charm Bracelet (your own design). It’s FREE to enter and there are more ways than one to win!

How to Enter:

1)     Enter your email in the “Giveaway Box” below and you’ll get 1 entry for a chance to win a ULINX bracelet. That’s it you’re done!

This Giveaway will end Midnight September 9, 2012. Good Luck!
Winner will be notified by email

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