Racked.com just featured an article
about Avon and guess who’s in it!
The Uncertain Fate of Avon in a Digital Beauty World
The strongest association Dianne Hernandez has with Avon is her grandmother, who sold beauty products to women in East Los Angeles in the 1960s. She built a devoted list of clients by making house calls on foot and Hernandez recalls her purse overflowing with lipstick and perfume samples. Three decades later, Hernandez has followed in her footsteps, establishing a successful career selling Avon—
Continue Reading this article over at Racked.com: The Uncertain Fate of Avon in a Digital Beauty World
A Followup to this Story April 22, 2016
Hey Beauties!
Since this article was released in April 2015, Avon has undergone some major changes and all very positive. Recently Avon has partnered up with Cerberus and on track to continue making the Avon brand stronger and just as loved as it has always been. Avon is growing and their future looks bright. As an Avon Representative, I’m excited and looking forward to what lies ahead with this partnership.