Skin So Soft Bug Guard is the Go-To insect repellent everybody loves. Its deet free formula is safe for the whole family and provides all day protection against mosquitoes, sand flies, gnats as well as other pests. There are several Bug Guard varieties and choosing the right bug guard is easy.

Avon Skin So Soft Bug Guard Expedition Plus IR3535®
Combined sun and insect protection in one. Repels mosquitoes that may transmit West Nile Virus for 8 hours. Provides long-lasting protection against deer ticks, gnats, no-seeums, sand flies and biting midges.
When to Use:
For all day activities in the sun, whether you’re hiking, camping in the woods, picnicking, or in your backyard, Bug Guard plus IR3535 Expedition with SPF 20 & SPR 30 will keep you protected all day long.
How to Use:
Avon Skin So Soft Bug Guard Expedition Plus IR3535 (AEROSAL Spray)
Reapply after:
- 12 hours for deer ticks that may transmit Lyme Disease
- 8 hours for mosquitoes that may transmit West Nile Virus
- 6 hours for gnats, no-seeums, sand flies and biting midges
Avon Skin So Soft Bug Guard Expedition Plus IR3535 (PUMP SPRAY)
Reapply after:
- 12 hours for deer ticks that may transmit Lyme Disease
- 8 hours for mosquitoes that may transmit West Nile Virus
- 6 hours for gnats, no-seeums, sand flies and biting midges

Avon Skin So Soft Bug Guard Plus IR3535 in Gentle Breeze or Cool N Fabulous
Effectively repels mosquitoes, deer ticks, black flies, gnats, no-seeums, sand flies and biting midges. Hypoallergenic.
When to Use:
For water activities, days by the pool, or at the beach, water resistant Bug Guard Plus IR3535 in Gentle Breeze or Cool N Fabulous will protect you from the sun as well as summer pests.
How to Use:
Cool ‘n Fabulous™ Disappearing Color SPF 30
Disappearing Color blue color shows where applied, then disappears into skin. Can be use everyday, does not need to be washed off after use. Should be re-applied every 2 hours for all day protection.
Avon Bug Guard Gentle Breeze SPF 30 Lotion
This formula goes on like other lotions and does not contain a disappearing color. Should be re-applied every 2 hours for all day protection.

Avon Skin So Soft Bug Guard Plus Picaridin
For dawn and dusk – when the sun is not out, but the bugs are! Provides strong and dependable repellency against deer ticks, mosquitoes, gnats, no-seeums, sand flies and biting midges.
When to Use:
For evening outings, watching fireworks or early morning activities when mosquitoes and insects are most active Bug Guard Plus Picaridin will keep you protected from dusk to dawn.
How to Use:
Skin So Soft Bug Guard Plus Picaridin Pump Spray & Towelettes:
Reapply after:
- 12 hours for deer ticks
- 8 hours for mosquitoes
- 6 hours for gnats, no-seeums, sand flies and biting midges
Skin So Soft Bug Guard Plus Picaridin Aerosol Spray
Reapply after:
- 7 hours for deer ticks, gnats, no-seeums, sand flies and biting midges
- 6 hours for mosquitoes
- 3 hours for black flies
For more info about Bug Guard Active Ingredients (Picaridin & IR3535) ,
Frequently Asked Questions & How to Choose & Use
visit these Beauty2Makeup articles below:Skin So Soft Insect Repellent – Debunking the Myth
Avon Bug Guard: Facts & Info, FAQMy Personal Experience!
the Avon Skin So Soft Experiment
*Original Source AVON flyer – Skin So Soft Bug Guard How to Use
For some strange reason, mosquitos love me. I could be standing next to a few people and while they do not get stung, they are all over me, why? I have no idea. With that said Dianne, which product would be the one to use continually and is the most effective. I hae seen these small clip on fans and some lotions sound pretty good. I’ll be using it every day when it gets warmer. What’s your thoughts on the best one for me?
Hi Karl!
Isn’t that something, my mom & hubby are the same way! So I looked it up and found this interesting article over at Smithsonian that might explain why some people tend to get bit more than others, it makes sense.
To answer your question about which Bug Guard variety might work best for everyday use, I recommend the Bug Guard Plus IR3535® Gentle Breeze SPF 30 Lotion. The active ingredient in this formula is IR3535.
IR3535 is a botanically based ingredient. It’s non-greasy and gentle enough to use everyday and doesn’t need to be washed off after use, yet it’s still very effective. The Gentle Breeze Bug Guard lotion is also enhanced with Vitamin E and Aloe so applying it as you would a regular daily lotion makes it convenient. It also contains SPF 30 and is water and sweat resistant. For full all day protection this lotion should be reapplied every couple of hours to exposed areas.
Here is the Bug Guard Gentle Breeze product page over at my Avon website
I hope this helps Karl, and if you need help placing your order just let me know 🙂
Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy your summer!!