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Are You Looking for An Avon Representative?

Are you looking for an Avon Representative?
Did you know you can shop Avon online and still get the Avon Representative experience you're used to? Though your order is shipped directly to you by UPS/USPS and arrives much faster, you'll still have access to the latest Avon Catalog and products. . . and  location isn't a factor.   

Buying Avon online with an Avon eRepresentive is like having your very own "Avon Concierge"!

So, if you're running low on your favorite Avon products or looking to try a new product you heard about, then your search is over!   I'm hear to help you out!

So Who's Behind This Beauty2Makeup?

About Dianne Hernandez, Avon Representative
It's Me, Dianne Hernandez, Ind. Avon eRepresentative. I Love Avon and I love sharing the Avon experience with everyone I can!  The brand has been around for a looooong time!  It's over 130 years old and it has entertwined with many of our lives. Whether from childhood memories of products we grew up with or the iconic Avon Lady, Avon has always been there for us and still us!

As an Avon Online Representative, I embrace the future and bring a new Avon Shopping experience to you.  You won't find me in anyones livingroom going over the latest Avon Catalog. . . but you WILL Find Me on the internet making "virtual house calls" through video, my blog & social media!

And yes, I still offer the personal service a traditional Avon Representative may bring, maybe even more when you consider I'm only a text, email, or tweet away!

So go ahead and look around at everything I offer and if you have questions, just give me a holler!  I'd love to hear from you

Dianne Hernandez
Independent Avon Representative

Here's What You Can Find Here At Beauty2Makeup!

Vist my Avon Representative eStore to view the latest Avon Catalog!

View the Latest Catalog

Every two weeks I give you a quick recap of the latest Avon Catalog with Campaign Highlights from Avon Skin Care, Jewelry, Avon Makeup as well as all other Avon departments.  You'll also have access to the latest Avon Catalog anytime over at my eStore.   Just use my EZ Link

Avon Campaign Highlights by Avon Representative Dianne Hernandez!

Avon Special Offers & Promo Codes

Whether it's Free Shipping, Free Gifts or Discounts Off or a Great Deal on Avon favorites like Avon Skin So Soft or Avon Bug Guard, I'll keep you in the loop so you'll know exactly what's going on over at Avon.  You can view current Avon Product Specials here!

Makeup Giveeaways & more! Come join the fun!

Enter A Giveaway!

Who doesn't love FREE STUFF!  I love Avon and sharing that love. Having Avon Beauty Giveaways is my way of saying "Thank You" to my current customers and introducing Avon to new customers!   So come join the fun!

Makeup Giveeaways & more! Come join the fun!

Does Selling Avon Look Like Fun?

I love being an Avon Rep! It's so rewarding and I have a great time while making extra income!  If you'd like more info about How to Join Avon you can visit my Sell Avon page and also give me a holler!

Did I Mention You'll Also Get Personal Service?

As Your Personal Avon Representative I Want To Keep In Touch With YOU!

When we connect through email you'll hear from me every campaign with the latest Avon Campiagn sales and new product info.   And who doesn't like to shop with Free Shipping Coupons &  Promo Codes?  I'll keep you in the loop so you won't miss out on anything!   So go ahead and connect with me below, and I'll start you off  with an Avon Promo Code you can use now over at my Avon Representative eStore.   Hope to see you there!

Never miss a FREE Shipping Offer again!  Sign up to get notified
Get Avon Special Offers
Yes, Dianne, Please Send My Avon Promo Codes! Emails will come directly from me, Dianne Hernandez.  I will personally contact you whenever there's an  Avon promo code available or exciting Avon news to share.